question:Can I restart my NEET prep? I'm in class 11 now (NEET 2023) and started prep a few months back, not feeling like I've studied properly till now.
answer:Yes, you can begin your[LINKED_TEXT: NEET 2023] [URL:] preparation again: Prepare a proper study planGet acquainted with the syllabusDo not skip NCERTsChoose the right resource booksPrepare notesStay regular on revisionsPractice the previous year's question paperTake mock test seriesKeep distractions at bayStudy during your productive hoursTake ample sleep and stay healthy
question:What is the most advanced invention in the world?
answer:There are many technologies that can be considered the most advanced depending on different criteria. However, some of the most advanced technologies that have been invented by humans are: Artificial Intelligence: AI is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize many industries. It involves the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. It has the potential to solve problems that are too complex for classical computers and could have significant implications for fields such as cryptography and drug discovery.Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, which is on the order of one billionth of a meter. This technology has the potential to revolutionize many fields, including medicine, electronics, and energy production.Biotechnology: Biotechnology involves the use of living organisms or their derivatives to develop products and processes. It has led to the development of many life-saving drugs, as well as the production of genetically modified crops and biofuels.Space exploration technology: Space exploration technology has led to the development of spacecraft, satellites, and other equipment that have enabled humans to explore space and study the universe. This technology has helped us to better understand our place in the cosmos and has led to many scientific discoveries.
question:w did a plane crash on the upper floors of the World Trade Center result in the entire building collapsing?
answer:This is an old question that has been answered more that once on Quora. As debate and discussion on the topic continues, I think it is fair to say that it becomes more and more clear that there were engineering problems with the design of the Twin Towers, problems that occurred because the architects and engineers didn’t read enough science fiction. Their minds were frozen to lock out consideration of the new kinds of things that might happen. When somebody wants to do a cute demonstration of karate power, they stack up boards a couple feet long and a single foot wide, and they make spacers between the demonstration boards. They arrange it so that they are only breaking one board at a time. The top board breaks, its pieces hit the second board along with the karate’s fist, and the second single board breaks, and so forth. Now imagine that you do about the same thing except you use four chicken eggs, one on each corner of each block, and you stack up, say, 25 boards. On the 20th level out of 25 you insert a firecracker to represent the passenger airplane loaded with jet fuel. Light the firecracker and its blast raises the top five blocks a trifle, knocks the four eggs for that level out, and then the top five levels come crashing down on the 25th level, break the eggs directly under it, so now six levels come crashing down on the 24th level, and almost instantly this domino effect works its way down the line and all 24 boards hit the board on the bottom and all of this sequence is completed. Note that this process is not instantaneous. It’s not like having a charge planted on each level and wiring them all to a single firing switch. If somebody had tried to position a quarter passenger jet fuel load on whatever level it was where the passenger jet hit, among other little problems, they would have had to take over 4 pricey corner office suites and somehow sneak via elevator car-sized tanks up to that level, through the corridors and doors, and then arrange these tanks of fuel where they needed to be to knock out the principle supports. Unless I am mistaken, jet fuel is pretty smelly stuff, too. I’ve rarely been able to rig a makeshift transport device for some liquid and not have it leak — if not liquid to soak carpets with, at least fumes to make everybody lightheaded, headachy, and very alarmed by the smell that some would probably identify as kerosene. Having gone to all this trouble they would then have had to secure four teams of false air pilots with piloting experience and have them be good enough pilots to plow their planes into these buildings at exactly the time that the fuel tanks were rigged to explode. Besides all that, there were originally four planes. One never made it to the White House or wherever it was supposed to go. Why didn’t that target blow up “on time” like the rest of the buildings?
question:What does Galatians 2:21 mean?
answer:Note what Paul wrote in the whole letter, or at least from 2:16 to 21. If we put ourselves under Mosaic Law, we will condemned by it as sinners. Thank God that Jesus set us free by fulfilling that law, something no descendant of Adam could do.