question:the Indian economy going to hit a recession in the coming months?
answer:The next recession is imminent. But it’s going to be a different kind of recession. Let me explain… For almost 40 years, we’ve lived in an era of low rates and easy money. It let governments and businesses worldwide run up piles of debt. Global debt could easily reach 500 trillion in a few years. And yet everyone acts like that is normal and can continue. Just like subprime mortgage debt triggered the last recession, corporate debt will trigger the next one. This will start a liquidity crisis and create havoc in all sorts of “unrelated” markets. Investors will learn once again that [LINKED_TEXT: all asset classes globally are correlated in a crisis. ] [URL:]There will be few places to hide. But then, as all recessions do, this recession will end. And recovery will begin, because that is what happens after recessions. Except it will be different this time. The Rise of the Far Left Recovery from the Great Recession was the slowest on record. The next recovery will be even slower. [LINKED_TEXT: Debt is future consumption brought forward] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: .] [URL:] We are now enjoying consumption and growth that won’t happen in the future. Debt is a drag on future growth. And the amount of debt the world now has will be a monster drag on future growth. Recessions always bring higher unemployment, on top of technology-driven job losses. This will worsen the current political tensions. Humans want scapegoats. Many will blame markets and capitalism, when we have neither free markets or true capitalism. The progressive left’s siren song will begin to play everywhere. They’ll promise guaranteed basic income, free college, free everything, etc. If you haven’t already heard of the economic insanity called Modern Monetary Theory or MMT, you will. It says we don’t need to worry about government debt. We should simply monetize it. Create and spend whatever we need for the common good. They produce fancy equations and rationales, but monetization is the bottom line. It’s essentially what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others in her world espouse. They talk about raising taxes on the rich. But there’s simply not enough money to do what they propose—even if you take everything the rich have. [LINKED_TEXT: The arithmetic doesn’t add up.] [URL:] So they will add more debt and eventually monetize it. Which is exactly what Japan has done, and seemingly succeeded. Politics Will Drive Everything US government debt will easily reach 30 trillion within three years after the next recession. Once we begin the next economic experiment, another recession will come shortly. Markets will be even more distresses. And the debt will soar to 40 trillion. Pensions and government deficits will be completely upside down. And then the real fun will begin… quantitative easing on a scale that makes the Bernanke years look like an elementary school picnic. We will simply have no choice. Now, the world will not come to an end. Markets and most businesses will figure out how to survive. New businesses will keep launching. New technologies will thrive. We will continue to need food, shelter, transportation, communication, and all the things we think of as normal today. This will all happen while technology “eats” jobs faster than it creates them. It was all well and good when we went from 80% of the workforce on farms to 1% today. But that happened over several generations and centuries. We are going to see that kind of upheaval in many industries in half a generation. Can you blame frustrated workers? People wishing that they can have their jobs protected? Wanting the government to do something? In the coming decade, [LINKED_TEXT: I think politics will be more important to markets] [URL:] than ever before. That is not to say investors can’t figure it out. But if you are looking at past historical performance to guide your portfolio, you will be disappointed. We are about to enter an era unlike anything in our own experience or in our history books. Analogies? Surely. History, and economic and political history, will be ever more important. How should then we invest? One thing I can tell is that the coming decade will bring a lot of volatility. [LINKED_TEXT: Buy and hold investing will be dangerous.] [URL:] Active management is once again going to be key. Part of the answer appeared in [LINKED_TEXT: Thoughts from the Frontline,] [URL:] my free weekly investment letter. Also More About [LINKED_TEXT: 40 easy ways to make money quickly] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: 12 Ways You Can Absolutely Make Money Online] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: 100% Secure make money onbline] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: Click Here to Signup for InboxDollarb] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: Earn 1000 Part Time] [URL:][LINKED_TEXT: How to Make Money Taking Surveys Online] [URL:]
question:What is the best LMS for online learning?
answer:If you're seeking a top-tier Learning Management System (LMS) primarily for online learning, [LINKED_TEXT: Coggno] [URL:] is an excellent option. Coggno is an all-in-one platform designed to streamline the process of online learning, not just as a classroom supplement. It provides a comprehensive library of courses across various topics, offering a complete learning solution for both individuals and organizations. Its user-friendly interface, versatile content format support, robust analytics, and personalization features make it an ideal choice for purely online learning. Furthermore, Coggno's ability to offer certification upon course completion adds tangible value to the learning experience.
question:What song has the lyrics someone left the cake out in the rain?
answer:McArthurs park
question:Should gun owners and their children be put into reeducation camps?
answer:Man I wished you could hear yourself. Think ! If it get to the gun sweeps you want so bad it'll civil war now I know your thinking we would have the military. Problem is you won't their oath says to protect against all enemies FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC that last one means you. So now it's open season for snowflakes and libtards after that I'd like ask how's it going. Long story short their was a reason Obama kept Biden out of the spotlight and now this fool and his vice are running the country