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question:Create a project plan for a cross platform flutter invoice template app which the user can create invoice from templates and track sales . project deadline : 28th july . Feel free to brainstrom a couple of unique ideas.Include tasks, deliverables, and milestones. Also, include how long it would likely take to reach each milestone. in json format in which the keys should include project name , objective ,milestones corresponding list of tasks and deliverables and timeline of the milestone ,total number of tasks , total number of deliverables, deadline, brainstorm to include the list of ideas generated for the project

answer:{ "project_name": "Cross Platform Flutter Invoice Template App", "objective": "To create a mobile application allowing users to create invoices, using pre-existing templates, and track sales easily.", "milestones": [ { "milestone_name": "Design and development", "tasks": [ "Research user requirements and preferences", "Create wireframes and UI design", "Develop the application using Flutter framework", "Integrate pre-built invoice templates", "Implement sales tracking functionality", ], "deliverables": [ "Wireframes and UI design", "Invoice application", "Pre-built invoice templates", "Sales tracking functionality", ], "timeline": "3 weeks" }, { "milestone_name": "Testing and Deployment", "tasks": [ "Perform functional and usability testing", "Refine the Application based on feedback and bug reports", "Deploy the application on the App Store and Google Play Store", ], "deliverables": [ "Test report", "Refined Invoice Application", "Deployed App on App Store and Google Play Store" ], "timeline": "2 weeks" } ], "total_number_of_tasks": 5, "total_number_of_deliverables": 4, "deadline": "28th July", "brainstorm": [ "Allow users to customize invoice templates", "Integration of payment gateways to allow users to accept payments", "Push notifications for payment reminders", "Generate sales and tax reports", "Create discounts/promotions within the app", "Integration with third party accounting software" ] }

question:Create a project plan for a cross platform flutter invoice template app which the user can create invoice from templates and track sales . project deadline : 28th july . Feel free to brainstrom a couple of unique ideas.divide the project into several milestones to gamify the process and the user should get dopamine kicks on completing each milestone .Include tasks, deliverables, and milestones. Also, include how long it would likely take to reach each milestone. in json format in which the keys should include project name , objective ,milestones corresponding list of tasks and deliverables and timeline of the milestone ,total number of tasks , total number of deliverables, deadline, brainstorm to include the list of ideas generated for the project

answer:{ "project_name": "Cross Platform Flutter Invoice Template App", "objective": "To create a mobile application allowing users to create invoices, using pre-existing templates, and track sales easily.", "milestones": [ { "milestone_name": "Design and development of invoice templates", "tasks": [ "Research user preferences for invoice templates", "Create wireframes and UI design for invoice templates", "Develop invoice templates using Flutter framework", ], "deliverables": [ "Wireframes and UI design for invoice templates", "Built invoice templates", ], "timeline": "1 week" }, { "milestone_name": "Development of invoice creation and management features", "tasks": [ "Develop invoice creation functionality", "Implement invoice template integration", "Integrate the ability to track sales", "Create testing suites for features", ], "deliverables": [ "Invoice creation functionality", "Integrated invoice template system", "Sales tracking functionality", "Functional testing suites", ], "timeline": "2 weeks" }, { "milestone_name": "User interface polish and user testing", "tasks": [ "Refine app aesthetics based on user feedback", "Conduct user testing and gather feedback", "Incorporate user feedback and refine features", "Perform regression testing", ], "deliverables": [ "Refined user interface", "Incorporated user feedback and refined features", "Regression testing report", ], "timeline": "1.5 weeks" }, { "milestone_name": "Deployment and launch", "tasks": [ "Deploy the application on the App Store and Google Play Store", "Generate marketing materials", "Coordinate a launch date and time across platforms", "Monitor app functionality after launch and address any issues", ], "deliverables": [ "Deployed App on App Store and Google Play Store", "Marketing materials package", "App launch coordination report", "Post-launch issue resolution report", ], "timeline": "1.5 weeks" } ], "total_number_of_tasks": 12, "total_number_of_deliverables": 9, "deadline": "28th July", "brainstorm": [ "Allow users to customize invoice templates", "Integration of payment gateways to allow users to accept payments", "Push notifications for payment reminders", "Generate sales and tax reports", "Create discounts/promotions within the app", "Integration with third party accounting software" ] }

question:2005赛题汇总 2005-A:Highway Traveling time Estimate and Optimal Routing 1. Detectors are able to detect and measure the speed of individual vehicles 24 hours a day. Average vehicle speed measured within 20 seconds by detectors is reported and refreshed. The following table provides the real time data (due to the huge volume of traffic data, only traffic data of the last 20 seconds in every two minutes is in the last 20 seconds. Unit: mile/hour). Please analyze traveling characteristics on highways (for instance, congestion and its dispersion. Typically, it is not considered as congestion if traffic speed is higher than 50 mile/hr). If a vehicle passes the detector at time t, how long will it take for this vehicle to travel to the fifth sensor? Please design an algorithm for estimating such travel times. Make sure that you demonstrate the rationality and accuracy of your algorithm. If traffic data is provided every 20 seconds rather than every 2 minutes, how this information is going to affect your estimate? All the conditions stay the same as in the previous problem. If detectors can measure not only vehicle speed, but also traffic volume per unit time (see table below. The unit of Flow is the number of cars/20 seconds), does this additional information help to improve the rationality and accuracy of your algorithm? If your answer is yes, please re-design your algorithm. 2. From the above figure, two bold lines in two different directions designate highways with the upper line going from left to right and left line from top down. Vehicles passing through the intersections (nodes) are able to reach other links connected with these nodes. There are fourteen nodes in the above map. The distances of every two nodes are listed in the above table. Find an optimal route from node 3 to node 14, and from node 14 to node 3, respectively. Also, please provide a travel time estimate for each route. It is assumed that travel time follows the same rule as question 1, average link travel time is proportional to link length, variance of link travel time is proportional to the reciprocal of as well as proportional to the product of the number of links connecting to the two nodes at both ends of the link. 2005-B:空中加油 1. 设飞机垂直起飞、垂直降落、空中转向、在地面或空中加油的耗时均忽略不计,每架飞机只能上天一次,在上述假设下的作战半径记为 。当 时,求作战半径 。 2. 在问题1的假设下,当 时,尽你的可能求出 (提示:先假设辅机可以分为两类,第一类专为主机前进服务,第二类专为主机返回服务,再考虑一般情形),或给出 的上、下界; 讨论当 的过程中 与n的渐近关系; 试给出判断最优作战方案(主机能够飞到 处)的必要条件或充分条件。 3. 若每架辅机可以多次上天,辅机从机场上空降落及在地面检修、加油、再起飞到机场上空的时间相当于飞行 的时间,飞机第一次起飞、转向、在空中加油的耗时仍忽略不计,此时的作战半径记为 ,讨论与问题1、问题2类似的问题。 4. 若另有2个待建的空军基地(或航空母舰) ,有 架辅机,主机从基地 起飞,向一给定的方向飞行,必须在基地 降落,辅机可在任一基地待命,可多次起飞,且可在任一基地降落。其他同问题3的假设,讨论 的选址和主机的作战半径 。 5. 设 为矩形, , , 为三个空军基地,主机从 起飞,到 执行任务(执行任务时间仍忽略不计)再返回 。假设辅机起飞、降落的基地可任意选择,其他同问题3的假设,试按最快到达并返回和最少辅机架数两种情况给出你的作战方案。 2005-C:城市交通管理中的出租车规划 1. 考虑以上因素,结合该城市经济发展和自身特点,类比国内外城市情况,预测该城市居民出行强度和出行总量,同时进一步给出该城市当前与今后若干年乘坐出租车人口的预测模型。 2. 给出该城市出租车最佳数量预测模型。 3. 按油价调价前后(3.87元/升与4.30元/升),分别讨论是否存在能够使得市民与出租车司机双方都满意的价格调整方案。若存在,给出最优方案。 4. 本题给出的数据的采集是否合理,如有不合理之处,请你给出更合理且实际可行的数据采集方案。 5. 请你们站在市公用事业管理部门的立场上考虑出租车规划问题,并将你们的研究成果写成一篇短文,向市公用事业管理部门概括介绍你们的方案。 2005-D:仓库容量有限条件下的随机存贮管理 1. 某商场销售的某种商品。市场上这种商品的销售速率假设是不变的,记为 ;每次进货的订货费为常数 与商品的数量和品种无关;使用自己的仓库存贮商品时,单位商品每天的存贮费用记为 ,由于自己的仓库容量有限,超出时需要使用租借的仓库存贮商品,单位商品每天的存贮费用记为 ,且 ;允许商品缺货,但因缺货而减少销售要造成损失,单位商品的损失记为 ;每次订货,设货物在 天后到达,交货时间 是随机的;自己的仓库用于存贮该商品的最大容量为 ,每次到货后使这种商品的存贮量 补充到固定值 为止,且 ;在销售过程中每当存贮量 降到 时即开始订货。 请你给出求使总损失费用达到最低的订货点 (最优订货点)的数学模型。 2. 以下是来自某个大型超市的关于三种商品的真实数据: 商品一:康师傅精装巧碗香菇炖鸡面。 =12盒/天; =10元; =0.01元/盒.天; =0.02元/盒.天; =0.95元/盒.天; =40盒; =60盒,共有连续的36次订货后到达时间天数记录如下:3 3 7 1 2 3 3 0 3 4 6 3 1 4 3 3 2 5 2 3 2 5 3 2 3 3 0 3 4 3 1 4 5 4 3 1。商品二:心相印手帕纸10小包装。 =15盒/天; =10元; =0.03元/盒.天; =0.04元/盒.天; =1.50元/盒.天; =40盒; =60盒,共有连续的43次订货后到达天数记录如下:4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 5 3 2 4 2 2 。商品三:中汇香米5KG装。 =20袋/天; =10元; =0.06元/袋.天; =0.08元/袋.天; =1.25元/袋.天; =20袋; =40袋,共有连续的61次订货后到达天数记录如下:3 4 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 5 6 3 4 3 1。按你的模型分别计算出这三种商品各自相应的最优订货点 。 3. 问题1是只有一种商品需要定货的情形。实际上常遇到在库存容量有限的情况下,有多种商品需要同时订货的情形,这时需考虑充分利用存贮体积的问题。设有 种商品需要订货,它们每次一同从一个供应站订货,每次进货的订货费为常数 与商品的数量和品种无关;订购的货物同时到达,到货天数 如问题1所述是随机的。这 种商品的销售速率分别为 (袋或盒/天) ,每袋(或盒)的体积分别为 。使用自己的仓库和租借的仓库时单位体积商品每天的存贮费分别记成 和 ,单位体积商品每天的缺货损失记成 ,自己的仓库用于存贮这 种商品的总体积容量为 ,每次到货后这 种商品的存贮量总体积补充到固定体积容量 为止,且 。每当这 种商品的存贮量总体积 降到 时即开始订货。试通过建立数学模型说明应如何确定最优订货点 和自己的仓库用于存贮这 种商品的各自体积容量 以及在订货到达时使这 种商品各自存贮量补充到的固定体积 ,才能使总损失费用达到最低? 4. 如果把问题2中的三种商品按问题3的方法同时订货,其中 立方米, 立方米, 立方米,自己的仓库用于存贮这3种商品的总体积容量 立方米,每次到货后这3种商品的存贮量总体积补充到固定体积容量 立方米为止,且该供应站从接到订货通知到货物送达商场的天数 服从在1天到3天之间的均匀分布。其余数据同问题2中相应的商品中所列出的数据。试按问题3的模型求出这3种商品的最优订货点 和自己的仓库用于存贮这3种商品的各自体积容量 以及在订货到达时使这3种商品各自存贮量补充到的固定体积 。 5. 商品的销售经常是随机的、订货情况在一段时间后是会发生变化的,相应地商家就应该调整订货和存贮策略。你们能否对此建立数学模型加以讨论。 2005年四道赛题会用到哪些模型和算法,详细说明

answer:2005赛题A:模型和算法- 最短路径算法 (Dijkstra或Floyd),时间序列预测,基于速度和流量的旅行时间估计算法,拥挤判断算法 2005赛题B:模型和算法- 分类辅机服务策略,最优化作战半径计算,最优基地选址算法,最快到达与最少辅机架数两种情况的作战方案设计 2005赛题C:模型和算法 - 居民出行强度和出行总量预测模型,出租车最佳数量预测模型,双方满意的价格调整方案计算,数据采集方案设计和优化 2005赛题D:模型和算法 - 随机存贮管理优化模型,最优订货点计算,多种商品同时订货存贮策略优化,动态订货和存贮策略调整模型


answer:2005赛题A:高速公路上的出行时间预测和最佳路线 1. 时间序列预测:对给定的交通数据进行时间序列分析,预测未来时刻的交通速度。可以使用ARIMA、指数平滑等方法进行预测。 2. 基于速度和流量的旅行时间估计算法:计算车辆在两个检测器间的旅行时间,可使用速度-流量关系表述旅行时间与交通流量之间的关系。 3. 拥挤判断算法:依据给定的速度阈值(如50英里/小时)对交通拥堵情况进行判断。 4. 最短路径算法:求解从一个节点到另一个节点的最短路径问题。可以使用Dijkstra算法或Floyd算法求解最短路径问题。 2005赛题B:空中加油 1. 分类辅机服务策略:将辅机分为两类,一类专为主机前进服务,一类专为主机返回服务,然后考虑一般情况。 2. 最优化作战半径计算:根据给定的飞机速度和续航时间,确定辅机的最优换班点以最大化主机的作战半径。 3. 最优基地选址算法:对于两个待建空军基地选址问题,找到使主机作战半径最大化的最优选址方案。 4. 两种作战方案设计:分别考虑最快到达和最少辅机架数两种情况,设计相应的作战方案。 2005赛题C:城市交通管理中的出租车规划 1. 居民出行强度和出行总量预测模型:使用统计方法或机器学习方法对居民出行情况进行预测,包括出行强度和出行总量。 2. 出租车最佳数量预测模型:通过建立关于市民需求和司机利益的数学模型,求解出最优的出租车数量以平衡市场需求和供应。 3. 双方满意的价格调整方案计算:结合油价调整前后的数据,通过优化方法找到一个既能满足市民出行需求、又能保证出租车司机利益的价格调整方案。 4. 数据采集方案设计和优化:评估现有数据采集方法的合理性,并提出改进和优化的方案。 2005赛题D:仓库容量有限条件下的随机存贮管理 1. 随机存贮管理优化模型:通过建立关于订货与存贮的数学模型,求解最优订货点以使总损失费用最小。 2. 最优订货点计算:根据真实数据计算每种商品的最优订货点。 3. 多种商品同时订货存贮策略优化:在库存容量有限的情况下,建立多种商品同时订货的数学模型,以使总损失费用最小。 4. 动态订货和存贮策略调整模型:针对商品销售情况随机、订货情况变化的情况,建立数学模型以动态调整订货和存贮策略。

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