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question:Why are lovemarriages unstable in comparision to arrangedmarriages?

answer:I would say both arranged as well as love marriages are unstable in this generation. The problem is in both the cases. Couples who want a proper advice don't have good parents. Good parents are capable to give proper advice to their children but they are not willing. Thatswhy counselling centers are trending today. Let us discuss about the failure of both love and arranged marriage. Young boys and girls will be attracted to each other naturally . Everyone will have some goal. But a very few will have determination, self control and reach their target.After reaching a high and respectable position they think about love or marriage. They will lead successful marital life either it is love or arranged marriage. But most of the youngsters will have weak mind.They learn about life mostly from movies. In most of the love stories hero will marry a heroine by opposing the parents. Without planning for future without a proper job he will marry. Hero and heroine will win finally by facing some troubles.Either it is a love story or a family entertainer most of the directors highlight the love and affection between the hero and heroine but don't highlight the difficulties faced by them. So our youngsters imagine that life is full of love and happiness. Both the boy and girl will have high expectations from the life partner. But they forget about the difficulties faced by the hero and heroine in the movies. It seems to be very easy to lead the life for them. They marry without proper settlement. But movie is different from life. Movie is theoretical but life is practical. Now let us assume Mr. A, Ms.B and Mr. X, Ms. Y both got married without settling in the job properly. AB get arranged marriage.XY get love cum arranged marriage. Mostly parents say no to love marriage but finally obeys when their children are stubborn. They knew the future. They keep silent untill the time comes. One or two years will go smoothly after marriage for both AB and XY. Afterwards situations will change.Most of the couples after marriage face difficulties due to misunderstandings between them or finance or anything else. Let us suppose both AB and XY are facing troubles. The parents of XY uses this opportunity.They don't support or guide XY as they did love marriage without their willingness.Even they will try to add fuel to the current situation sothat the couple should get divorced. So in most cases it leads to divorce. Now let us see what happens to AB. This couple is also facing trouble.But their parents will support them at every phase of life. If the couple have misunderstandings then the parents of both the girl and boy will ask,discuss,teach their respective children about how to behave a husband and wife with each other in marital life. They help the couple financially. At every phase of life the parents will support the couple,put the maximum efforts in joining the hearts sothat the relation last forever. So mostly arranged marriages are successful. These days arranged marriages are also not successful.Because the parents are not concentrating on the character of the bride or groom. They are giving more importance to external beauty, profession,financial position,status in the society etc. But in 30 years of marital life anything may happen.The groom may loss job or may experience financial crisis. The bride may fell ill. But if both have good character they won't leave each others hand.They will face any type of difficulties together and will succeed. The parents are misguiding the couples in arranged marriage.They tell their children to leave the life partner as the partner is in trouble. So both love and arranged marriages are unstable in this generation. Either it is love or arranged marriage if the wife and husband knows how to support each other in any type of situation and if have respect towards marriage system then both will be successful.

question:Who represents the GOP in 2021?

answer:Trump, DeSantis, Abbott, and Cruz (not eligible) until someone else grows a Pair.

question:Should I register in CA foundation course without getting 12th result?

answer:If you have appeared for 12th Standard Examination in Academic Year 2017–18, then you need not wait for 12th Standard results to come. You can register for CA Foundation course, from the month of 12th Standard Examination through 30th June 2018, for CA Foundation examination scheduled in November 2018.

question:Why is computer engineering not growing as fast as computer science?

answer:Computer hardware has to a large extent been commoditized. Think of chips like Intel Core CPUs and NVIDIA GeForce GPUs. These are general-purpose processing units that run on millions of computers everywhere. They can pretty much solve all of our computing needs. The cloud has accentuated this development further, because the cloud giants buy up standardized hardware in huge bulks. What we end up with are a few big players that totally dominate the hardware market. Software is very different. Unless we develop some utopical artificial general intelligence, it’s impossible for one computer program to satisfy all of our computing needs. In fact, we need a plethora of them on a daily basis. When we think of software, we tend to think of a few big tech giants and their consumer software, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Custom enterprise software alone is a trillion dollar market. That’s why there are more than 20 million software developers worldwide, while the number of hardware engineers is probably less than a million.

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